Friday, February 23, 2007

A beach tragedy

A lonely man stands pondering
At the edge of land and ocean
These waves, they come and go,
One after another in tireless motion,

Indifferent to my heart's feelings,
Embracing and retreating on the sand
To end my dreams of love abrupt
When I wake up after a one minute stand

The receding wave is in tears too;
As she keeps returning to the shore;
Still looking for the man she loved,
She can't find him there anymore.

In disillusionment, she thinks
These heartless men, they come and go
Seeking only the pleasures of the senses,
Of love and affection,what would they know?

It wouldn't be this sad or true,
If only more people knew,
In every single rendezvous,
There are two points of view.


Srihari said...

Thanks also for your favourable views about my writing in your blogpost. About the 'mystery', well, it may be a phase, but I'm dont think I'm overly social anyway.

maalika said...

very very nice.. i saw this link through preethi's facebook message (and i am an admirer of her writing..)

Srihari said...

Thank you. Preethi has been very generous in all her comments about my writing.