Thursday, February 16, 2006

The sober shades of sadness

It comes in several colours. Silent and white. Loud and red. An all-encompassing black.

Unfathomably deep, incurably sick; yet, so ruthlessly powerful.

Moments of intolerable grief. A calm outside that betrays the storm inside. A volcano waiting to erupt - into tears. A test of faith? Endurance? Strength?

It is like a marathon on burning coal. It scalds and hurts with every step, and yet, I'm desperate to take it, because there's no where else to go.

A fight against hopelessness. A long journey to the next second. And the next. And the next.

It's an explosion of serenity,
Day after day,
Night after night,
Is this a labyrinth of insanity?

It's an escape from prison,
Only to find a deserted island,
It's a ladder that I climb,
As it falls into an abyss.

It's a countdown from infinity,
With no end in sight,
And no guiding light,
Is it the beginning of eternity?


Anand said...

seriously, these wud be excellent lyrics for the next metallica number!

nandini said...

wonderfully insightful... sounds a lot like a peek into the mind of a depressed person... someone beyond sorrw, utterly apathetic

Srihari said...

Anand, perhaps ! I must confess I even tried setting some of the lines to chords.

Nandini,thanks. Very true indeed.